S&W’s Special Edition pistol-training.com M&P9

On display ready for the SHOT Show opening tomorrow:


A huge thank you to Joe Bergeron and all the other great folks at Smith & Wesson who brought this to life. And most of all, thanks go out to all of the pistol-training.com readers, mp-pistol.com members, and M4Carbine.net members who offered suggestions and encouragement over the past few months as we fought to make this happen. In particular, that includes mp-pistol.com’s David for our great logo and M4Carbine.net’s lindertw for coming up with the great idea to put the logo on the barrel like that.

  • Full size M&P9 pistol
  • Performance Center sear
  • heavy trigger bar and trigger spring (for stronger, faster reset and approximately 6½ pound trigger pull)
  • Warren Tactical 2-dot Night Sights
  • Three magazines (17rd where allowed by law; 10rd where required by law)
  • pistol-training.com logo on the barrel

These pistols will be available exclusively through G&R Tactical. The first fifty people to pre-order one of the guns will also receive a free pistol-training.com hat. Because you can never have too many hats, right?

The endurance test gun from our M&P Mondays segment will also be on display at Smith & Wesson’s booth. If you’ll be at the show, check it out!



  1. too bad they only put 50k rounds fired instead of actual number. Good for you and getting your pistol to market.

  2. Thanks, guys! Jesse, if you do a search at this site for “warren” you should find a post or two with pictures of the Warren Tactical 2-dot sights.

  3. Just sent my email to preorder.

    Thanks for all you do Todd. Keep up the great work.

  4. Todd, do you know if these modifications will be available through the custom shop to existing M&P’s? Especially the .45?

  5. “What do Warren Tactical 2-dot Night Sights look like?”

    Here is an image of what they look like in a dark room:


    I’ve got my order into G&R Tactical for one too.

    The price of only $599 is just too good to pass up on for a customized pistol. When you consider that these sights alone sell for $115 + installation, you get a 3rd mag ( value $30 ), and all of the modifications done to the trigger system, it becomes a rather good value.

    If this pistol is successful, I’m hopeful that S&W will realize that a good market exists for them to make M&P guns like this standard, or at least Performance Center guns. And to also have the Performance Center offer more customization services for the M&P product line.


  6. Ok, but do I understand correctly that a thumb safety model can be converted to a non-thumb safety model? Thanks again Todd!

  7. Hi, are these pistols still being sold though G and R tactical if so how do i order one?

  8. jerry — The guns are still available to the best of my knowledge. You’d have to contact sales @ grtactical dot com to get on the wait list for the next run of pistols.

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