

  1. If it’s a forum, I wish it could use/accept some sort of open ID authentication. I just have too many username/passwords.

  2. I’m going to go buy one of the current caps – could become a collector’s item.

  3. It’s a sporter and your coming to shoot the olympics? (which will be hard as private handguns are illegal in the UK- suck on that border control)

  4. Is that a magazine tube underneath the barrel? Will there be a shotgun-training.com?

  5. That looks like a bullpup shotgun… Clearly, the next endurance test will be a Keltec!

  6. P-T-F What have we here???
    Pistol Training Forums…Lets talk about it!
    Pistol Training Friends…Lonely hearts club?
    Pistol Training Fries…No French allowed?
    Pistol Training Fracas…Let the fights begin!
    Pistol Training Forces… Enlist and see MD/VA.
    Pistol Training Family… New baby on the way?
    Pistol training F…oh the heck with it…

  7. http://9x19mm.com/forum3/

    closing, and a new forum opening. very exciting dude.

    “As pistol-training.com spawns a new broad-based forum, CALIBERS will be coming to a quiet end. Please copy and collect anything you need before the end of the month. After that, access to CALIBERS will be denied.

    Thank you all for your participation over the past many years, and we hope to see you at the new forum!

  8. As all that’s really needed is a bit of rebranding, I assume you’re just going to move the CALIBERS forum posts over… right, Todd?

  9. Pistol-Training.com is one of the most valuable resources online for shooting enthusiasts.

    I look forward to every new blog entry and I like the current format. Hopefully a forum wouldn’t diminish the bloging/article aspect of pistol-training.

    God Bless,

  10. You guys are all crazy – it’s “Pistol Training” ON the “Farm”. That’s right, Todd’s accepted a position training CIA operatives in pistol use! Of course he will be working with the epitome of professionalism, Gecko45 – and we will all get a week by week insiders view of what the real pros are capable of. Or, you know, it could be a Forum.

  11. Gecko45 is omnipresent. wherever there is a rowdy, unruly mob of 5 year old children teetering on the verge of rioting while waiting to ride the carousel at the great mall, Gecko45 will be there ready to deploy the elite team fighter squad.

  12. I’m concerned that we will have seen the last of Gecko45.

    I know Gecko45. Gecko45 is a friend of mine. And you, sir, are no Gecko45.

  13. Gunmetal guessed it! Congratulations!

    We’ll be holding the first Aim Fast, Burn Fast class in July. Stay tuned for more details.

  14. Well, when one’s Siberian Husky* starts to sprout tentacles, spider legs, and extra eyes… it’s at that point that a good practical knowledge of proper flamethrower technique comes in very handy.

    *Or the head of the guy you were just performing CPR on.

  15. LittleLebowski,

    No, seriously, I worked with Gecko45 for a couple years at CCA.

    He was mortified when I dug up that old webpage and recognized him in the photos… 😀

  16. LittleLebowski,

    I’m not finding mallninja.com even with the Wayback Machine these days; anyhow, the original Gecko45, from the threads at GlockTalk and HK91 forum, was Trevor. He did it back when he was, like, 19 or 20, and never dreamed int would become the intarw3bz meme that it did.

    I know it left him a bit nonplussed when I showed up at work one day and said “So, Trevor… or should I say ‘Gecko45’?” instead of “Good morning.” 🙂

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