The Gun Bias Song

Seriously… we need to buy this guy a beer.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Darn right let’s buy him a beer, but only if it’s the brand I drink, all others suck.

    Honestly, that’s about the best summation of brand obsession I’ve ever heard. Truth in satire at its finest.

  2. So spot on! My chosen brand is the only acceptable one; everyone else sucks and I hate you.

  3. My chosen brand is all of them. Any other brand besides that one isn’t worth having.

  4. Somebody buy this guy a 1911 so he can shoot a REAL pistol! 😉

    Some good shooting by the Mrs. at the end of the video … say wait a minute … was that a Gl-yuck – I mean Glock – she was shooting???

    Seriously though, I seem to encounter someone with this ridiculous attitude much more than I did even 10yrs ago.* Anyone else agree?

    *Usually damn fools NOT shooting a 1911…the ONLY handgun GOD would think of using!!! 🙂

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