TLG was one of the Best

Massad Ayoob, a prolific writer and trainer who has done more than most in the field of self-defense, wrote a “top ten” article some years ago. In it, Todd Louis Green was mentioned as one of the top trainers. I somehow missed this article at the time, but thankfully, a friend brought it to my attention. Enjoy it, and if you had a chance to train with Todd, count yourself fortunate. I was lucky enough to know and train with a few of the men mentioned in the article, but if you missed them, the magic of books will allow you to get a good look into their ideas. Reading their material will be well worth your time.

1 comment

  1. I trained with Todd in 2011. Not only did I learn a lot, but it was at that class I realized I was no longer happy with “combat accuracy”. That was the first time I had done Dot Torture and it was embarrassing. Next time I shot it in a class was with Dave Spaulding and I was the only one there to clean it. I was also able to train with William April a couple of times. So glad to have those experiences.

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