VCD Grips Holiday Sale

I continue to be incredibly impressed with the VCD Grips I’m using on the SACS/Warren test gun. Yesterday I managed to sneak in a quick range session with some friends on the West By-God Virginia border, including F.A.S.T. Coin recipients Ernest Langdon and Joe S. Everyone spent a mag or three trying the test gun and the grips were very well received.

As coincidence would have it, on my drive home I received an email from VCD Grips about their holiday sale. The regular tapered grips — which I have on my guns — are being discounted by $9, from the normal $45 down to $36. The magwell grips are discounted by $6, for a total of $49. And shipping is free. (note: their online store still reflects the normal prices, they issue the discount as a refund… it’s a web store thing)

If you haven’t tried them yet, you really owe it to yourself to test drive a set of these grips on your 1911. Each set is made by hand and they provide a level of grip stability that you have to experience to believe. The method VCD Grips uses is very similar to the hand stippling some folks like on their polymer framed guns and provides substantially more grip than any kind of machine cut checkering or patterns on standard 1911 grips.

My carry gun has been wearing them for about ten weeks. They have been a little aggressive on some Under Armor t-shirts, abrading the material a bit. But my cotton under shirts, polos, sweatshirts, etc. have all held up perfectly fine. Nor have I found the grips uncomfortable even when shooting 800-1,000 rounds in one session.

As you can tell, I’m a total convert to the VCD Grip church. I’ve already got a set on order for the upcoming Heirloom Project gun, too.

If you have a 1911, you owe it to yourself to give these things a try. They’re not the prettiest grips on the market, but your shooting will sure be a lot prettier…

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(I am in no way affiliated with VCD Grips and receive no compensation from VCG grips; the VCD grips I’m currently using on my pistol were provided free of charge for evaluation related to the SACS/Warren test)


  1. I actually picked up a set of these for my Springfield loaded due to your positive review weeks ago. They are fantastic. I had actually seen these on a gun on the 1911 forum months ago but I couldn’t find the photo again or the kinds of grips because I wanted to try them. I highly recommend them. Happy Thanksgiving

  2. I thoroughly agree-these are superb grips. After your initial review, I got a set for my Gen 2 SIGARMS GSR XO-and I promptly posted one on my best 1911 CDP scores ever (after an aggressive dry-fire program with them prior to the match). Mine are the tapered new olive drab color. Their fit on the receiver is excellent-and they provide excellent support to the plunger tube. While their initial pricing was more than fair, this holiday price is unbeatable-if you’ve got a 1911, you really need to at least buy a set of these to try-they’re that good.

    Best, Jon Stein

  3. Tapered grips on a magwell gun?

    That’s like pegged trousers over white socks and black loafers. It’s just not done. 😉

  4. Just wondering if you’ve ever had experience with VZ grips and, if so, how you’d compare the two. Also, wondering if there is a relief in the left side panel that makes the mag release easier to reach. It’s hard to tell on the photos.

  5. Jeff, I have both grips on 1911s-A VZ Gaterback canvas set on my Nighthawk Custom Talon II, and the VCD’s on my SIGARMS GSR XO.

    There both excellent grips. The VZ Gatorbacks provide a good grip, and the ridges are less protrusive than the VCD’s crater edges. The VS’s are a bit more comfortable for against-the-body carry (e.g, with an IWB holster); the VCD’s can be a bit abrasive against t-shirt covered skin, but it’s not a huge deal (and you could always slightly sand down the side rubbing against your body). The VCD’s provide a superior grip and suerior retention in hand, and are more impervious to sweat-induced slipperiness.

    He VCDs do not have a thumb relief channel incorporated on the left side grip, but I’ve had no issues with accessing the magazine release as they are.

    Best, Jon

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