AIWB Awesomeness

Last week, linked you to Yute‘s excellent photo sequence on safely holstering an appendix inside the waistband (aiwb) holster.

This week, we show you the other side of the equation, the incredible speed aiwb can deliver. As most folks know, aiwb is nothing new or novel. It’s been around for many years and even found its way into Hollywood productions in the 80’s. Perhaps the most famous example is IPSC GM Jim Zubiena on Miami Vice:

(skip to 0:50 for the aiwb scene)

Gabe White, aka OrigamiAK (and F.A.S.T. Coin #09 recipient), decided to make a re-enactment of the scene. It’s both hilariously funny and incredibly impressive in terms of shooting:

(and Gabe beat Jim, while actually scoring hits with real ammo… just sayin’…)

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Great shooting and cool nod to a classic scene.

    Needs more Jan Hammer though.

  2. I was looking for the latex gloves too and I had a 🙁 when I didn’t see them!

  3. I was looking for the latex gloves too and I had a when I didn’t see them!

    OAK isn’t a proctologist!!


  4. I didn’t use latex gloves because the challenge explicitly stated they were not required, and the other dude is a really good shooter. He may very well beat my time on the technical challenge: 5 yds, surrender start, concealed aiwb, A hits in the body (IDPA or USPSA target), A/B hit in the head.

    There was also no requirement that it be done in one try, or cold, or anything like that. I actually did the shooting in one attempt because I hit a solid run (for me) on the first try. AIWB draws from surrender are way less good for me than from a hands-down start. It could have been .1 to .2 faster from a hands-down start. I could have screwed around with it trying to do better for an hour and never actually beaten the 1.35 with 3As, so I just called it good. But there is room for the other guy so who knows.

  5. You know, AK, there’s been this idea of a match based on 1980’s cop shows and movies kicking around in my head for a few months now…and this would have been one of the stages.

    The picture I have is sort of like SASS, only with a 1980’s theme and reasonable equipment.

    I don’t know if this is because it’s a good idea, or because it’s a ***CENSORED*** spectacular idea, or if it’s just that I’m hoping that Heather Locklear shows up for the match wearing that red bikini.

    It would obviously have to be a match with a sense of humor and theater, but I think it could be a lot of fun.

  6. That would make an awesome excuse for buying a 5906 or (for bonus ultimate style points) a 469.

  7. I wonder if Dad would let me borrow the P9…

    That’d be some bonus cool points. You going to be an L.A. counterfeiter, or try to rock a Caribbean police uniform?

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