He Didn’t Even Need a SERPA

Dear Brazilian Bank Robber,

In the future, when dual wielding your epic Vorpal Pistols +5, suggest you either:

(a) keep your finger off the trigger, or

(b) avoid pointing the muzzle at yourself, or

(c) at least make sure it’s pointing at a body part that will prevent you from infecting the gene pool.

Video footage here.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(thanks to BaiHu at pistol-forum.com for the link)


  1. “Vorpal Pistol +5”


    I bet a very small percentage of people reading this would know where that’s from.

  2. I surprised the that the “No Handguns” sticker on the door did’t convince him to re-think bringing those pistols in the building.

  3. I guys we need to start teaching armed robbers the safety rules. 😉

  4. Is that the Vorpal from ‘Through the Looking Glass’ you nerds are referring too?

  5. Todd,

    I have given it some thought and I think that the next test gun should be a Sig 229 so that we can all see if the sig is everything that it claims. 40 cal would be preferred.

  6. Vorpal is a reference to the Jabberwocky, yes. However, a +5 Vorpal Sword is a weapon from D&D that will cut off the head of your opponent. I believe you had to roll a natural 20 on a d20 die.

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